
‘Tis the season of sales

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There is a time when it’s not Summer but it’s not Winter either, that time is called, well technically it should be called Autumn but it’s not even that, confusing right? It wasn’t confusing before climate change became a scarce reality. Anyway, we distinguish this time as the season of sales (capitalism got the best of us).

Try going out to any main bazaar, malls or hyper bazaars, you won’t find enough space to walk straight for 10 steps. It’s like everyone is out to get one thing or the other and why won’t they? By the end of this article, you might be one of those people too because one thing is for sure, the sales put out right now are irresistible.

You must be thinking “What sale deserves this much hype?” It’s the Summer Clearance Sale at J. As you read this article, open another tab and browse their online store or you can just go to your nearest J. outlet. You’ll see people fast walking to the store, people coming out with hands full of bags and gigantic smiles on their faces. When you see all that, you can tell there’s a sale of up to 50% on ALL items, yes, you heard that right, ALL items. 2 piece suits, 3 piece suits, Kurtis, Pants, Footwear, Shalwar Kameez, Kurtas *tries to catch breath*

But just like all good things (literally everything) this will come to an end too, you all still have some time left to benefit yourself from the sale. It’s live till the 27th of October. Best case scenario, you can go to the store and get it packed, pay the discounted price and leave, even better case scenario, you can visit their website and order online, pay the discounted price and enjoy the delivery but the worst case scenario would be….HAH gotcha! There is no worst case scenario here other than not being able to get anything from the sale before it ends.
Remember, remember the 27th of October!

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