
Tandoori Raan in Urdu

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Lamb leg 1 pcs
Red chili paste 1 tbsp
National Red chili powder 1 tsp
Lemon juice 2 tbsp
National Salt 1 tsp
National Chat masala 1 tsp
Yogurt 1/2 cup
National Garlic 1 tbsp
National Ginger 1 tbsp
Oil 4tbsp
National Garam masala 2 tsp
Turmeric ½ tsp
Ajwain 1 pinch
Orange food color 2 pinch
For Garnish:
Onion slices 1
Lemon 3
Mint leaves 1 cup
Tomato slices 2
Cucumber slices 1
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Cooking Directions
Clean the lamb leg, trim the extra fat and wash it under running water.

Prick the lamb leg with fork, and marinate it with all ingredients (except garnish) mentioned above.

Allow it to rest for 2-3 hours.

After that put marinated lamb leg in a pot and allow it to cook gently on slow flame with covered lid.

When the meat is almost done, remove the lid and cook on high flame, until the excessive moisture gets evaporated and oil separates.

Serve hot with garnish.

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