
National’s Mini Falafel Burger recipe in Urdu

Home » Recipes » The Kitchen Star » Mahwish Akhter Facebook Group Recipes » National’s Mini Falafel Burger recipe in Urdu
Mini Falafel Burger


1 cup Chickpeas (kabuli chana), soaked overnight

2-3 Garlic cloves, chopped

2 tablespoons chopped fresh Coriander leaves

2 tablespoons chopped fresh Parsley

4-5 stalks Spring onion greens, chopped

¼ cup breadcrumbs

A pinch of soda bicarbonate

½ teaspoon roasted cumin (jeera) powder

 National Salt to taste

¼ teaspoon National  black pepper powder

½ teaspoon paprika

To serve:

4 tablespoons Nutralite Cheesy Garlic Mayonnaise

4 Lettuce leaves



Drain the chickpeas and dry on a kitchen towel.

Process the chickpeas along with garlic, coriander leaves, parsley, spring onion greens and breadcrumbs in a food processor to a coarse mixture.

Add the soda bicarbonate and cumin powder and mix well.

Season with salt, pepper powder and paprika. Knead the mixture well and place in a refrigerator to chill for a couple of hours.

Shape tablespoons full of the chilled mixture into round patties.

Arrange on a greased plate in a refrigerator till ready to air fry.

Preheat the air fryer to 180°c and place the prepared falafels. Cook for 10-12 minutes.

Cut the burger buns into half and spread Nutralite Cheesy Garlic Mayonnaise.

On the bottom half of each bun place a lettuce leaf, and place air fried falafel patties.

Cover each with top half of the bun. Serve immediately.

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