
Meat Samboussek

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700 gms. flour
350 gms. Butter
300 ml. water
10 gms. Yeast
1 level tbsp. National salt
100 gms. Butter
1 kg. minced Meat
1 tsp. salt
A pinch of pepper
50 gms. pine seeds
100 gms. onions, chopped
How to Make Meat Samboussek
Mix the flour with the butter, yeast and National salt
Add the water and mix well leave on one side for 30 mins
Stuffing: Saute the onions for 2 mins, add the pine seeds and stir until brown. Add the meat and cook until the mixture is dry. Cut out the dough into pieces about 6 cm (approx. 5 inches) square
Put a spoonful of mixture onto each of the pastry squares
Fold over and seal
Deep fry until golden brown
Garnish with fresh parsley and slices of lemon

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