
Jali Waley Beef Cutlets

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Mince Beef 1 kg
National Ginger and Garlic Paste 1 1/2 tsp
National Kabab Masala
National Cumin Seed Powder 1 1/2 tsp
National Chilli Powder 2 tsp
Green Chillies, finely chopped 9 long
Coriander Leaves, chopped 1 bunch
Fresh Mint, finely chopped 1 bunch
Eggs 4
Bread soaked in Water, dry 4-5 slices
Bread Crumbs 225 g
National Turmeric 1/4 tsp
National Garam Masala 1/4 tsp
National Salt to taste

Marinate mince with all ingredients overnight, except the eggs and bread crumbs.
From 3 inch round cutlets, 1/4 inch thick and coat in breadcrumbs. Keep aside.
Heat the oil in a frying pan. Beat 2 eggs until frothy.
Dip each cutlet into the egg mixture and fry on slow to medium heat till light brown.
Sprinkle water on the cutlet and on its edges to give a lacy effect.
Serve immediately.

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