
Balushai Recipe

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Flour: 1-1/2 cup
Baking soda: 1/4 tsp
Ghee: 6tbsp
Yogurt: 4 tbsp whisk till smooth
For sugar syrup:
Sugar: 2 cup
Water :1cup
In large pan boil sugar and water cook until ( 2 tar sheer) allow the syrup to cool
Pistachio: for decoration
In a large bowl,combine the flour and baking soda .
slowly add ghee and yogurt rub against the flour till it resembles bread crumbs.
Add little bit of water knead into a soft dough.
Cover the dough with a damp cloth let it rest for 45 minute
After 45 minutes, make small balls of dough.
And make a small dent on the middle of the balls.
Fry it in low medium heat until light golden. After fring cool down badushahi and soak in the syrup for 15 minutes and decorate it with pistachio.ready to serve it.

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