There are more than 8,000 grapes varieties from about 60 species. The combination of unique texture and sweet tart flavor has made grapes an ever popular between meal snack as well as a refreshing addition to both fruit and vegetable salads. One cluster has on an average 75 grapes. The average person eats 3.6 kgs of grapes a year. Grape fruits are both healthy and tasty at the same time. Some of the great benefits of grapes include their ability to treat constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, bone health, macular degeneration and the prevention of cataracts. Grapes are of many colors including green, red, black, yellow, pink and purple. Raisins that we eat which are sweet and are also used in our sweet dishes are actually dried grapes. This fruit has high nutritional value and numerous beneficial effects on the human health. Besides in human diet, grapes are used in cosmetic industry and in the medical purposes. So, eat grapes and stay healthy!

Salli Marghi | Parsi Bhonu with Chef Kayzad | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana
Parsi style chicken curry topped with crispy potato sticks –