
Square Stuffed Paratha Recipe

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Square Stuffed Paratha

1/2 kg kneaded fine flour
1 cup clarified butter
1 potato boiled
1 cup mango pulp
1 cup minced meat boiled
2 tbsp fresh coriander leaves chopped
2 tbsp apple jam
2 tsp red chili crushed
2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp National salt
Cooking Method
Place mango pulp in a pan.Cook for 5-8 minutes or until thickens.
In a bowl, mashed potato properly.
Add crushed red chili, cumin, coriander leaves and National salt.Mix well.
In another bowl, add boiled minced meat, crushed red chili, cumin, coriander leaves and National salt to taste.
Mix well and keep aside.
Make 4 small balls out of kneaded fine flour.
Fill one ball with mango pulp, the other with mango jam, third with potato mixture and forth with mince.
Roll the balls into squares.
Heat a griddle over medium high heat.
Apply clarified butter over it.
Place paratha on it and fry on each side for 1 minute or until golden brown.
Delicious Square Paratha is ready to serve.

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