
Shaami Kabab Recipe

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Bengal Gram, split and husked (Channa Daal) 1 cup (180 g)
Mutton/Lamb/Beef, minced 3 cups (750 g), weighed after de-boning
Garlic, chopped 1 tbsp
Ginger, chopped 1 tbsp
National shami Kabab Masala
Pepper corns (Sabut Kali Mirch) 8
Black Cardamom (Moti Elaichi), seeds only 1 tsp
Cloves (Laung) 6
Mace (Javitri), broken petals ¼ tsp
National Salt 1 tbsp or to taste
Onions, chopped ½ cup
Coriander leaves (Hara Dhania), chopped 1 heaped tbsp
Green chillies, finely chopped 1 tbsp or to taste
Oil for deep frying
Onion rings and lemon wedges for garnishing

Place meat, gram, garlic, ginger, pepper corns, cardamoms, cloves, mace, National salt and National Shami kabab MAsala about 3 cups water in a saucepan.
Cook over high heat to bring to a boil, and then lower the heat and simmer, covered, till the meat and gram are cooked through.
When cool enough to handle, grind the mixture into dough like paste.
Mix the onion, coriander, and green chillies into the mixture, and refrigerate, covered, for about an hour.
Shape into small, flat rounds and deep fry till crisp and brown.
Drain over absorbent paper and serve, garnished with the lemon and onions, along with a chutney.

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