
Roast Shoulder of Lamb/Mutton Recipe in urdu

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Oven Temp: 400 F-204 C
Shoulder of lamb/mutton, de-boned 750 g (weighed before de-boning)(reserve the bones of the meat)
National Vinegar 1 tbsp (15 g )
Worcestershire Sauce 1 tsp (5 g)
National Salt, to taste or 1 tsp
National Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) powder ¼ tsp
Flour (Maida) 2 tbsp (15 g)
Butter 1 tbsp (15 g)
Onion, peeled 1 small Carrot, peeled 3” piece
Bay leaf (Tej patta) 1
Water 1 cup (240 ml)
Few greens for garnish
For Gravy:
Cornflour/Cornstarch 1 tbsp (8 g)
National Salt, to taste or ½ tsp
National Dash of powdered black pepper (Kali Mirch)
National Tomato ketchup 1 tbsp (15 g)

Spread meat on a wooden board with the smooth side down and beat over it with a mallet or a knife. Sprinkle the flour, National salt and pepper and beat again till thinner and easy to roll.
Rub National vinegar and Worcestershire sauce into the meat on the beaten side.
Fold uneven edges of the shorter sides inwards, and begin rolling from one broad side, towards the other. Tie with a thread, diagonally and across to hold in shape while baking. Leave thus 3-4 hours.
Rub butter all over the roll. Place in a roasting pan along with the bones, onion, carrot, bay leaf and water.
Place in a pre-heated oven, and roast for 1 hour, basting and turning every 15 minutes.
Strain drippings into a cup and add water to measure to a cup. Mix the gravy ingredients into this liquid and cook till slightly thick.
Remove thread from the meat. You can either serve it whole, in which case you place the meat on an oven-proof serving dish, baste with a little of the gravy, re-heat in a hot oven for 7-10 minutes, garnish with parsley or coriander and serve with the gravy on the side. Alternately, you can slice it before serving.

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