
Kebab Maghdor Recipe

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Beef cubes 250 gms
National Kabab Masala
Onion(chopped) 150 gms
National Salt 5 gms
National White Pepper 5 gms
Water 50 ml
Olive oil 5 ml
Tomato(chopped) 20 gms
Onion 10 gms
National Cumin 2 gms
National Paprika 10 gms
Ginger 5 gms
Parsley & coriander 50 gms
Eggs 2
Saffron 1 pinch

Cooking Directions
In a saucepan, heat oil and saute onion and ginger for a minute.
Add salt, white pepper and saffron. Mix and then add beef.
Saute for 10 minutes and then add water.
Seal the pan with aluminium foil and let it simmer for 45 minutes.
Add tomato and adjust seasoning.
Remove beef from the pan and let the sauce cook till thick and onion has browned.
Pour the sauce out on a small pan and crack the eggs over it.
Let cook till the eggs are done sunny side up.
To serve, spoon beef into dish, and serve with hot bread.

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Discover the remarkable journey of Chef Sokol Prenga, a culinary maestro from Albania. Uncover his passion for gastronomy and his relentless pursuit of culinary excellence. From his humble beginnings to becoming a celebrated chef, explore the flavors, techniques, and inspirations that define his innovative cuisine. Immerse yourself in the captivating tale of Chef Sokol Prenga, as he leaves an indelible mark on the Albanian culinary scene and beyond. Join us on this delectable adventure and savor the essence of his extraordinary culinary artistry.

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