
Kaleji Masala (Mutton Liver) Recipe

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1: kaleji (liver) 2kg mutton

2: onions 2 large (finely chopped)

3: green chillie 5 (bullet chillie chopped)

4: fresh ginger 2inch piece (julian cut)

5: fenugreek leaves (qasuri methi) 3 tbs

6: fresh coriander (dhania) 1/2 bunch

7: tomatoes 4 large ( sliced)

8: thick yogurt 1cup

9: National ginger & garlic paste 2 tbs

10: black cardamom 2 pieces (moti elaichi)

11: cinnamon stick (dalchinni) 2 inch 1 piece

12: cloves 8 pieces (long)

13: National black pepper corns (kali mirch) 10 pieces

14: National cumin seeds (zeera seeds) 1tbs

15: National red chillie powder 1tsp heeped

16: National mix spice powder 1tsp (garam masala powder)

17: National turmeric powder (haldi) 1/2 tsp

18: National salt 1tsp heeped

19: National cumin powder (zeera powder) 1 tbs heeped

20: National coriander powder (dhania powder) 1 tbs heeped

21: oil or clarified butter (ghee) 1 cup full or as required


1:heat  clarified butter in a pan & add black pepper corns, cloves, 
 cumin seeds, cinnamon stick & black cardamom , along add the onions & ginger & garlic  paste mix well and  cook till golden brown on high flame.

2:when the onions get golden brown add the liver & once it changes it color cook it on  low to medium heat till  all the natural moistuer dries. (do not cover it at all, as it gets  hard)

3:once the liquid dries then add red chillie powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder &  coriander powder mix it  add the tomatoes and cook it till the curry gets thick and the  clarified butter comes on the surface on high  flame.

4:when the butter comes on the surface add the yogurt & mix it well and cook it again till the butter comes on  the  surface on medium flame.

5:once the yogurt dries and the butter comes on the surface add fenugreek leaves, fresh ginger, green  chillies, mix  spice powder & salt mix well and cook it for 2 to 3 minutes on high flame & keep stirring.

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