Season 3 of Gordon Ramsay’s The F Word

Janet Street Porter looks for an alternative to Fois Gras. Janet visits a Fois Gras farm and gets put off.


25 Responses

  1. Farming Foie Gras & Alters
    It is a beautiful thing to be able to enjoy Foie Gras.
    May God bless "ethical, patient, and natural" Foie Gras farmers.
    The world would be a better place if Nature was trusted, and allowed to work it's magic with out armchair quarterbacks and the peanut gallery getting involved.
    "Groups which are known to have carried out ritual abuse using dissociation to create “Alters” include the US government (e.g., MKUltra, which included many Nazi doctors operating on behalf of the CIA). One 1955 MKUltra document gives an indication of the size and range of the effort. It refers to the study of an assortment of mind-altering substances. Substances which will promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public."

  2. The irony is that foie gras is no more unethical than dairy farming, pork farming or any other intensive farming or meat industry. Or being exposed to Janet Street Porter’s voice.

  3. Don't judge others based on your opinions. Don't like what you see? Then don't eat it. I'm not going to say it's humane, but North American factory farms are hardly better. They're not telling you what you can or can't eat, so don't do that to them.

  4. these keyboard internet scholar veterinarian retards need to research topics before crying over nonsense . geese do not have a gag reflex. studies show that they hardly feel the tube, as you see how easily it enters. they do not receive lesions or scarring. tell me how a goose eats a fish, it swallows the whole thing, if it chokes on a fish is peta and these warriors going to blame something that doesn't exist like god? allah? or lets blame the fish for being cruel. maybe lets blame aliens. people are too fucking sensitive these days. social media needs to cease to exist.

  5. seriously people need to educate themselves! it is natural for birds to be force fed, they infact are force fed for 4-5 weeks when they are babies and the ducks are not "choking" or struggling to breathe because their airway runs parallel to the oesophagus! the worst thing is probably killing the ducks.even still they aren't killed at a young age like ducks are for meat! Educate your self in the culinary world people

  6. Fois Gras is terribel, the force feeding is cuel as fuck, and the animals know whats about to happen, thats why they are hiding on the conor on the box

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