
Coffee Cake

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Coffee Cake 


For sponge : 

Preheat oven at 180C and line your baking pan with a butter paper – do not greese the sides.

In a bowl add 100g of flour,125g of caster sugar,13g of cocoa powder,1tsp baking powder,pinch of salt and mix n seive well.Now add 90 ml of water diluted wid 1 tsp of coffee ( instant) and 60 ml Italia olive  oil and 4 egg yolks and 1 table spoon of vanilla essence.Beat well for 2 min.

In another bowl take 4 egg whites and whip them untill very soft peaks- add 25g of caster sugar n continue beating till firm peaks.Now fold this mixture into yolk mixture slowly n gradually.pour in the pan n bake for 30-40 min or untill the toothpick comes out clean. 

Invert the pan immediately n let it kool.once its on room temp take out the cake n slice it into 2 or 3 layers.

Soak every layer with instant coffee mixture ( boil water-beat coffee beans and sugar) 

Now whip 2 cups of cream wid 4 table spoon of coffee paste.Arrange cake layers accordingly. I added coffee ganache layers too ( Coffee chocolate with cream) 

The topping is made with heating coffee flavored chocolate with cream. Enjoy

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