
Chicken Lambabdar Recipe

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chicken breast 1 1/2 kg  (cut in 2 inch cubes)

tomatoes 3 medium (chopped)

onions 1 large (finely chopped)

bellpeppers 2 medium size (any color julienne cut)

butter 1 cup

green chillies 8 pieces (make paste with 3tbs of water)

oil 1/4 cup

egg 1

bullet green chillie 3 ( sliced for garnishing)

ketchup 1 cup

tomatoe paste 1/2 cup

corn flour 3tbs

sugar 1tbs

honey 1 tbs

National red chillie powder 1 ts (heeped)

National turmeric powder 1/2 ts

National salt 1 ts ( heeped)

crushed black pepper 1ts (heeped)

dried fenugreek leaves 2 tbs

Green cardamom powder 1 ts

National coriander powder 1 ts (heeped)

National salt 1 ts

black pepper crushed 1 ts

fresh cream 1 cup

cheddar cheese 1 cup ( grated)



1:  marinate chicken with 1 ts salt, 1 ts black pepper, corn flour, egg mix it well cover & keep aside for 20 minutes.
2:  after 20 minutes shallow fry the chicken pieces on low to medium flame till golden brown and keep aside.
3:  then in a pan heat the oil and butter and add the onions and cook it till the onions get golden.
4:  now add the tomatoes, green chillie paste, ketchup, tomatoe paste, turmeric powder, coriander powder, red chillie  powder mix well cook on low to medium flame till the oil comes on the surface.
5:  then add honey, sugar and 1/2 cup of water and wait for a boil, now add the bell peppers, fried chicken pieces, cream, crushed black pepper, salt, green cardamom powder, dried fenugreek leaves, cheddar cheese mix well cover and simmer on low to medium for 2 minutes.
6:  garnish it with green chillies and serve hot with naan.

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