
Chicken Handi

Chicken Handi Recipe


Chicken boneless 1 kg

Onion 3

All spice powder 1 tsp

Turmeric 1 tsp

Red chili powder 1 tbsp

Ginger paste 1 tbsp

Garlic paste 1 tbsp

Salt to taste

Butter 2 tbsp

Olpers cream 1 packet

Oil 1/2 cup

Coriander leaves for garnish

Oil as required




Heat oil in handi and fry onion until pink.

Now put garlic paste, ginger paste, salt, turmeric and red chili powder, roast it slightly and put chicken.

When water of chicken dries, put all spice powder, cream and butter and simmer it for 10 minutes.

Then take out in dish, garnish with coriander leaves and serve with hot naan and paratha.

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Discover the culinary journey of Chef James Diack, a renowned South African chef. From his early passion for food to becoming a celebrated culinary expert, explore the fascinating life and achievements of Chef James Diack. Delve into his farm-to-table philosophy, exquisite culinary creations, and commitment to sustainable and locally sourced ingredients. Uncover the flavors, innovation, and inspiration behind Chef James Diack’s extraordinary culinary career in South Africa.

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