
Chatpati Stuffed Bhindi Recipe

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bharwa bhindi recipe step by step instructions


Lady Finger (Okra) 250 gms
Raw Mango 1 (Chopped)
Green Chilli 2 (Chopped)
Garlic Cloves 2 (Chopped)
National Turmeric Powder 1/2 tsp
National Salt 1/2 tsp
National Red Chilli Powder 1 tsp
National Coriander Powder 1 tsp
National Cumin Powder 1 tsp


Step 1: Take a grinder jar and add Raw Mango, Green Chilli, Garlic Cloves and grind it and make a paste. After that add National Turmeric Powder, National Salt, National Red Chilli Powder, National Coriander Powder, National Cumin Powder and mix it well. Your Stuffing is ready.

Step 2: Now cut the Lady Fingers from both sides and then cut it from the center for stuffing and stuff the paste (from Step 1) and apply this method for all the lady fingers (Okra).

Step 3: Now take a pan and add 4 tbsp oil and heat it and then put all the stuffed lady fingers and cook it from both sides for 5 minutes on medium to low flame. After that cover with lid and then further cook for 5 minutes on low flame. After that your chatpati stuffed bhindi is ready.

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