
Mini Chicken Quiche Recipe

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Mini Chicken Quiche Recipe in Urdu

Dough Ingredients:

Plain Flour 2 Cups
Butter 125gm
National Salt 1/4 tsp
Milk as you required

Chicken Stuffing Ingredients:

Boneless Chicken 250gm
Onion 1 (Chopped)
National Salt 1/2 tsp
National Black Pepper Powder 1/2 tsp
Oil 2 tbsp

Creamy Batter Ingredients:

Fresh Cream 1 Cup
Eggs 2
Milk 1/4 Cup
Mustard Paste 1 tbsp
Oregano 1/2 tsp
National Black Pepper Powder 1/2 tsp
National Salt 1/4 tsp

Other Ingredients:

Grated Cheddar Cheese as you required
Capsicum as you required

Dough Direction:

Step 1: Take a bowl and add Plain Flour, Salt and mix it well and then add Butter and mix it well with hands and then knead with milk as you required. After that cover it and rest for 30 minutes into refrigerator.

Chicken Stuffing Direction:

Step 2: Now take a fry pan and add oil and then add onion and slightly fry them and then add chicken and stir it until it’s become into white color and then add salt, Black Pepper Powder and stir it well and then cover with lid and cook for 10 minutes on medium to low flame. After that your Chicken is ready.

Creamy Batter Direction:

Step 3: Now take a bowl and add Fresh Cream, Eggs, Mustard Paste, Oregano, Black Pepper Powder, Salt, Milk and beat/whisk it well. Your creamy batter is ready.

Assembling Direction:

Step 4: Rolling the dough and then cut it into circle shape with cutter and then take a muffins tray and place all pieces of dough and set it well. Now bake it into preheat oven (200c for 20 minutes) for 10 minutes on 200c.

Step 5: Now fill them with Chicken Stuffing one by one and then put Creamy Batter one by one and then sprinkle Grated Cheddar Cheese and Capsicum and bake it for 30 minutes on 200c. Your Oven should be preheated on 200c.
Your Mini quiches are ready.

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