
“6 Reasons Why Chocolate Is Your Ultimate Best Friend”

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Whenever we go through some bad time we look for a friend to rely on. But the bitter reality is not everyone is available every time no matter how much promises they make. Obviously every human is busy at some point, they just can’t sit to deal with your mood swings every time. That doesn’t mean your friend’s aren’t loyal to you or they don’t care about you. I’ve some really great friend’s and they do try their best to make me feel good. But I think bugging them every time is also not practical. So what’s reliable and soothing?? Oh yes, Chocolate. Solution to  every situation, of every mood swing. If you ask me whenever I am feeling sad, I eat Chocolate. Whenever I am feeling happy, I eat Chocolate. In love ?? Yes, Of course Dark Chocolate.

Even if you have good friends I think Chocolate is the best one. You can always rely on dear Chocolate. It will never ditch you, it is always available. It can actually calm you down in a bit.

Here are six reasons why chocolate proves to be your bestfriend:

  1. It Is The Best Antidepressant:

Having a good conversation with your friend can make you feel better but Dark Chocolate is scientifically proven as the best Anti Depressant. How?? Actually Chocolate contains tryptophan, which helps to create serotonin and endorphins. Which  makes you feel happier and lighter in no time.


  1. It Exactly Has What You Need:

You know you can ask your friends to be exactly according to your mood. Sadly you can’t change them every time you need to adjust with them. Exactly the way they are. But when it comes to Chocolate we have endless choices. Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Oreo Chocolate, Caramel Chocolate, Nuts & Fruits and oh yes Chocolate Ice cream. You can enjoy any flavor according to your mood.


  1. It Is Also Your Skins Best Friend:

It takes care of you like no other. If you eat cocoa on regular basis, it can help reduce loss of moisture in your skin. It also helps to increase the blood circulation to the blood capillaries in the top layer of your skin. It also helps in dealing with the sunburns. What’s better than a friend who takes care of your beauty too.

  1. Need To Lose Weight?

So what is everyone’s biggest dream? To stay in perfect shape ? Of course, the healthiest way to reduce weight is by eating dark chocolate on regular basis. Dark chocolate actually contains a substantial amount of fiber. A standard dark chocolate bar can provide at least 16% of your daily required fiber intake. It also helps keep your appetite in check and reduce food cravings, so you can stick to that weight loss program you were on. Dark chocolate also contains less sugar compared to milk chocolate.


  1. It Helps Lower Blood Pressure:

High blood pressure in this hectic and competitive life is getting common day by day. Dark Chocolate helps resolving this issue too. The flavanols in dark chocolate can stimulate endothelium, which is the lining of the arteries to produce NO (Nitric Oxide). Nitric Oxide is responsible for sending signals to the arteries to relax, which lowers the resistance to blood flow that then reduces blood pressure.


  1. Of course It’s Too Delicious:


Last but not least, chocolate is just tasty and you can’t resist it. You really don’t need any other reason to think of chocolate as your best friend. Chocolate is LOVE.


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