
Top 5 Fat burning Foods

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There are many fruits and vegetables around the worlds which are key to loosing fat some are really tough to  edible following are the five foods for loosing calories

  • Nuts:

nuts, macadamia nuts, Walnuts, pecans and almond nuts are the only dry fruits loaded with healthy fats and also with vitamins, nutrients, antioxidants and minerals. they provide major amount of fiber and protein which helps body to lose fat and also control body blood sugar even all kind of dry fruits and nuts are healthy for body with different qualities.



  • Broccoli:

it is known for fiber fruit broccoli contains bundle of fiber which make your body feel fuller for long period and help the digestive system. broccoli contains vitamin, Beta carotene and calcium and it contains so many mineral which protect he body from many diseases.



  • Avacado:

Most people think that Avocado is a Fatty food and not good for human body but the reality is its full of healthy fats . Avocado contains mono-Unsaturated fat and filled with vitamins, nutrients and antioxidants. A mashed avocado is the most healthiest food of all times.


  • Berries:

Raspberries, Strawberries, blueberries and goji berries are also full of minerals and good vitamins they contain many antioxidants that helps body to stay protected from disease. Adding berries to the dies is simple put some berries in your morning breakfast like in yogurt or oatmeal.


  • Apples:


apple is best fruit for lowering LDL blood  cholesterol levels and also full of fiber and another features apple is the most reasonable fruit for health care.

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