
Soole Kabab Recipe

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Oven Temp: 450 F-220 C
Mutton/Lamb, de-boned, cut into 1 1/2″ cubes and beaten flat (`pasandas’/ flattened fillets) 1 ¼ kg
Ghee (Clarified Butter) ¼ cup (120 g)
Onions finely sliced 2 cups (500 g)
Raw papaya, grated ¼ cup (20 g)
Garlic, peeled 3 tbsp (20 g)
Ginger, roughly chopped 2 tbsp (20 g)
tenderising agent 7-8 (20 g) soaked in water at least an hour
Cloves (Laung) 8-10 (1/2 tsp powdered)
Dried red peppers 8-10
Saffron 1/4 tsp
Yogurt 1 cup (200 gm)
National Salt 1 tbsp
Few pieces of charcoal, 2 cloves, 1 tsp ‘ghee’ , for smoking
lemon wedges, onion rings , chopped coriander leaves , for garnish

Heat the ‘ghee’ in a heavy based pan, and fry the onions, till a dark brown and crisp.
When cool enough to handle, grind together, over astone or a food processor, the onions (along with any’ghee’ if left over), papaya, garlic, ginger, ‘kachri’,cloves, red peppers and saffron.
Mix the onion mixture with the yogurt and salt, and marinate the meat in this mixture overnight.
Skewer the meat pieces close to each other– sort of bunching up each piece into a round, by piercing it in
2-3 places and not letting it hang low.
Bake these in a pre-heated oven over a drip tray, for20-25 mins., then lower the temperature and bakeanother 20-25 mins. Or till tender. Alternatively, you can grill over a Barbecue. These are better cooked slowly.
To smoke them,before serving : light the charcoals and place them in a small container. Place the cooked meat pieces in a large container, keeping a depression in the centre. Now place the container with the charcoals in this depression, put the cloves on the burning charcoals, then pour the ‘ghee’ over it, and quickly cover the large container. The smoke thus emanating, will permeate into the meat pieces, giving them a smokey flavour. Keep them thus for about 5 minutes.
Serve garnished with the lemon, onions and coriander.

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