
Muthi Kebabs Recipe

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Minced beef 500 gms
Almond paste 100 gms
Raw papaya paste 2 tsp
Roasted and gram pulse 4 tsp
Fried onions(crushed) 4 tsp
National Ginger/garlic paste 2 tsp
National Red chili powder 1 tsp
National All spice powder 1 tsp
Yoghurt 2 tsp
Mint(chopped) 1 tsp
National Coriander 1 tsp
Green chilies 1 tsp
National Black pepper(crushed) 1/2 tsp
Butter 2 tsp
National Salt to taste

Cooking Directions
Mix all the ingredients, except butter and keep aside for two hours.
Put the mixture in a pan and make a well in the centre.
Place a smoking piece of charcoal in a small bowl of butter and place it in the well and cover the pan with a tight lid.
Leave for three minutes then discard the charcoal piece.
Make oblong kebabs by taking small portions of the mixture.
Bake them in a preheated oven till golden brown.

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