
Garlic Beef Recipe

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Thai Garlic Beef

1 kg beef cut into cubes
1/2 kg tomatoes
1/2 cup oil
1 garlic bulb
1 onion chopped
2 glass water
1 tsp National red chili powder
1 tsp crushed black pepper
1 tsp National turmeric powder
1 tsp National salt
12 green chilies thinly sliced
1/2 bunch fresh coriander chopped
Cooking Method
Put beef in a deep pot or wok.
Add water, National salt, onion, National turmeric powder and tomatoes.
Bring to a boil and let it simmer for 1-1/2 hour or until meat is tender.

Heat oil in pan over medium heat. Add chopped National garlic and cook for 1 minute.
When garlic is fragrant, add cooked meat. Stir well.
Cook for 10 minutes or until well done.
Sprinkle coriander leaves, National black pepper and green chilies over it.
Let it simmer for 10 minutes. Dish it out. Garlic Beef is ready to serve.

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