
Chicken Tikka Crispy Recipe

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Chicken Tikka Crispy


  • Chicken tikka chunks ½ cup (finely chopped)
  • Potato 1 cup heaped (boiled and mashed)
  • Flour 2 tbsp heaped
  • Coriander leaves 1 tbsp (chopped)
  • Green chilies 2 (chopped)
  • Egg 1
  • Sweet corn ½ cup
  • Capsicum 1 (finely chopped)
  • Cheddar cheese 3 tbsp (grated)
  • Baking powder ¼ tsp
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Red pepper 1 tsp (crushed)
  • Bread slices 8
  • Sesame seeds 2 tbsp
  • Oil for frying

Cooking Directions

  1. Mix all above ingredients except breads and sesame seeds.
  2. Cut each bread into 4 triangular pieces.
  3. Spread lavishly with filling onto each bread piece.
  4. Sprinkle with sesame seeds, slightly press.
  5. Deep fry in hot oil with filling side first in oil till golden, serve with ketchup.

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