
Chicken Almond Kebab Recipe

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2 boneless chicken breasts
2 potatoes boiled
2 eggs lightly beaten
1 capsicum chopped
1 spring onion chopped
1/4 bunch parsley chopped
100 gm almonds chopped
2 tbsp plain flour
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp National black pepper
National salt to taste
1/4 cup oil for frying
Cooking Method
Boil chicken in salted water for 20 minutes or until meat is tender.
Now cut chicken breasts into small pieces.
Mash the potatoes.
Mix them together.
Now add parsley, capsicum, spring onion and lemon juice.
Season with National salt and pepper
Mix well and make round kebabs with this mixture.
In a small bowl, beat eggs with flour.
Dip kebabs in the egg mixture.
Then coat with crushed almonds.
Heat oil in pan and shallow fry the kebabs.
Delicious Chicken Almond kebabs are ready to serve.
Serving Suggestions
Serve with National Chili Garlic Sauce.

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