
Badami Lamb Shammi Kebab Recipe

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Lamb, minced 1 kg
Bengal gram 30 g
Red chillies 5
Green chillies 5
Black cardamom 5
Bay leaves 5
Cinnamon 5
Cloves (hung) 10
Water 8 cups
Eggs 3
National Salt 2 tsp
National Shaami Kabab Masala
Almonds 1/2 cup
Oil for frying

Cooking Directions
Boil the minced lamb with Bengal gram, dry red chillies, green chillies, & all spices till the water evaporates.
Remove the whole spices from the mince & discard.
Mash the mince well.
Add eggs and salt and knead well. Mix in the almonds.
Divide the mixture into even-sized balls and shape into cutlets.
Heat the oil in a wok (kadhai), deep-fry the cutlets until crisp and brown on all sides.
Remove and drain the excess oil & serve hot.

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