#BehindTheScenes When shooting the opening sequence for the Kolkata episode, you would have noticed me enjoying my time on a boat on the Hoogly River. The director wanted to recreate the landing of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah at the Dahi Ghat or Bichali Ghat near Metiabruz- at least that was the original plan and we had to somehow shoot this sequence before sunset. The director and me along with Indrajit, the famous food TV host in Kolkata reached Princep Ghat on time to board our boat that would take us to the Bichali ghat but we couldn’t get our team to do so as they got caught up in the legendry Kolkata traffic. This caused considerable delay and the light was slowly fading away & to add to our predicment we were faced a sudden short rainfall. Our boatsman wasn’t ready to take our boat to the actual Ghat as it wouldbe dark by the time we’d reach. The director was getting exasperated as he could see his vison going down the hoogly along with the sun, and being a perfectionist he was insisting we get it right. But fate had other ideas in mind as we ended up filming the scene (heavily compromised – without sound) with just a few strokes of the Oars as if we have travelled over a distance and as you can see, it turned out phenomenally well. #KolkataKiBiryani #TheBiryaniJourney
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