
Chicken Avocado Sandwich | चिकन एवोकाडो सॅन्डविच | Cricket World Cup 2019 | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana

Home » Sanjeev Kapoor Recipes » Chicken Avocado Sandwich | चिकन एवोकाडो सॅन्डविच | Cricket World Cup 2019 | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana
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David Warner has been in phenomenal shape which was clearly evident in the winning performance that he delivered in the victory against Afghanistan, as well as his performance with Sun Risers Hyderabad in IPL2019. His diet plays a major role in keeping his performance top-notch. A little birdy told us that he loves Chicken Avocado Sandwich, so here’s the recipe to try it out.



8 chicken breasts
1 medium avocado
4 multigrain bread, 6 inch each and cut in the middle
Salt to taste
Crushed black peppercorns to taste
4 tsps dried chilli flakes
4 tsps finely chopped garlic
8 tsps Worcestershire sauce
5 tbsps olive oil
8 tsps low fat mayonnaise
8 tsps mustard sauce
12-16 ice berg lettuce leaves
2 medium tomato, sliced
Alfa alfa sprouts


1. In a shallow bowl, add chicken breasts, sprinkle salt and crushed black peppercorns. Add red chilli flakes, chopped garlic, and Worcestershire sauce and add 2½ tbsps oil. Rub well.
2. Heat remaining oil in a non-stick grill pan, place the chicken breasts on it. Grill on both sides till cooked completely. Take them off the heat.
3. Slice the chicken breasts and set aside. Cut the avocado in half, discard the seed and set aside.
4. For making one sandwich, take 1 multigrain bread, apply 2 tsps mayonnaise, 2 tsps mustard sauce and spread them evenly.
5. Place 3-4 lettuce leaves, a few tomato slices and arrange slices of 2 chicken breasts. Slice ¼ avocado and place on top.
6. Sprinkle salt, crushed black peppercorns and place a few alfa alfa sprouts. Secure the sandwich with a toothpick. Serve.

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