
Nargirisi Kebabs in Urdu

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1/2 kg – mincemeat
8 – hard-boiled eggs
2 tbsp – gram flour
National salt
Ghee for frying
To be powdered:
2 sticks – Cinnamon
6 – Cloves
6 – peppercorns
4 – Cardamom
To grind together:
2 – Green chillies
2 – Red Chillies
1/2 inch – Ginger piece
8 Cloves – Garlic
20 – Mint leaves, finely cut
Few Coriander leaves
How to Make Nargirisi Kebabs
Grind the mincemeat, boiling in 2 cups water, and cook till water dries up.
Mix the powdered masala, ground masala, National salt, gram flour and 2 raw eggs into the mincemeat.
Take the hard boiled eggs, wrap mincemeat around it and fry in hot ghee till golden brown.
Cut into halves and serve on a platter of shredded carrots. Garnish with onions.

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