Jamie was nominated 3 times to do the ALS challenge so he had to go big! (It was honestly iced water by the way, it just melted a bit!)
He would like to nominate, Harley from Epic Meal Time, Russell Brand and Prince Harry. Also by special request of his two daughters, Zoella, Thatcher Joe and PointlessBlog. You have 24hrs guys to support this brilliant campaign.
Link to ALS and donate information http://www.youtube.com/user/thealsassociation?src_vid=_XOgsIAUpxI&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_3793123851. donate to help find a cure for ALS, in Canada please go to http://www.als.ca and in the US http://www.ALSA.org
Jamie’s nominations – http://instagram.com/p/r0W792kH34/?modal=true
Cook with Amber – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPSaPk7kfcEJ7QZG61XahEA
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