
Healthy Benefits of Banana

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Bananas are rich in nutrients and they have numerous health benefits. Some of them are following

1. Help people with Diabetes

Bananas consist of nutrients which help in moderating the blood sugar levels. They may also reduce appetite by slowing stomach emptying.

2. Improve Digestion

Rich in fiber and resistant starch, bananas help in feeding the friendly stomach bacteria which helps in protecting against colon cancer.

3. Help in Losing Weight

Bananas have low calories and high nutrients and fibers, hence they help in reducing weight.

4. Healthy for Heart

Bananas contain potassium and magnesium, which both are essential for heart health.

5. Powerful Anti-Oxidants

Bananas are high in several antioxidants, which may help reduce damage from free radicals and lower the risk of some diseases.

6. Help you feel Full

Bananas have essential amounts of resistant starch or pectin (depending on its ripeness). These factors reduce the appetite and make you feel full.

7. Improve Insulin Sensitivity

This is the benefit of unripe bananas. These bananas help in improving insulin sensitivity. However, more research is needed.

8. Improve Kidney Health

Eating a banana several times a week may reduce the risk of kidney disease by up to 50%.

9. Benefits for Physical Exercise

Bananas may help relieve muscle cramps caused by exercise. They also provide excellent fuel for endurance exercise.

10. Easy to Add in your Diet

You  can eat bananas literally anytime. Whether breakfast smoothie or on pancakes they taste awesome.

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