We have top New York chef April Bloomfield in the Food Tube Family! She trained with Jamie at The River Cafe London and now runs a hugely successful …

jamie,Soup (Type Of Dish),recipe,april bloomfield,drop,cooking,archive,Egg Drop Soup (Dish),egg,oliver,Chinese,food tube,food,Chinese Food (Cuisine),cook,spring vegetables,classic,Cook (Profession),New York (US State)

38 Responses

  1. To the negative commenters: egg drop soup is pretty self explanatory; egg dropped into soup. Not necessarily CHINESE SOUP. When you become such a seasoned, successful cook/chef as Bloomfield, have 2 restaurants, cookbooks, culinarily respected by other chefs —-then your comments would be read. She never stated it was Chinese. Other countries make a form of it as well. You really showed your ignorance, stupidity and rudeness.

  2. She didnt call it a chinese egg drop soup and at the end said it was her egg drop soup so for all those people kicking up a fuss this is April's own version of the recipe, for goodness sake

  3. Looks delicious but they truly messed up by calling it "egg drop soup", which – as the comment section shows – is just a straight-up invitation for people to argue about what is and isn't egg drop soup. But regardless of if you want to call it egg drop soup, or stracciatella, or whatever, it looks quite good.

  4. This is irresponsible -just because you've made a melange of veggies in a tepid pool of water, and you just so happen to put scrambled eggs in it, doesn't make it an 'egg drop soup'.
    Aren't we supposed to be teaching people, more importantly the future generation of cooks, the right way and not let their unnurtured egos run amok?
    It would be a shame to hear our future generations say 'I learned to make authentic egg drop soup watching April Bloomfield's video on YouTube' and hold this in high regard because somehow your constant tv appearances makes you qualified.
    Perhaps I can make a raw vegan burrito tomorrow and call it vegan haggis. Or what about I make a chicken soup with sausage & rice and call it gumbo? I can also make aglio e olio add carrots & celery to it and mask it as chow mien and have it be part of my quirky hipster menu for $15 because the carrots were grown in soil from the amazon and watered with Volvic its entire growth.
    Egoism is transparent. And most of you will fail upwards, and you're completely aware of it, but you're too scared to admit it.

  5. Man. What are people in the NYC falling for? This egg drop soup looks like some american took the core basic for egg drop soup, and then totally highjacked other crap and threw it together…I'm sure it tasted good, but that is not egg drop soup

  6. Dear April, Ive made this now 4 times in the past 2 days, lol. Me and the family have loved it. Thanks very much for this. This has now become a part of my family "oeuvre" It's so nice to make just a couple of cups of soup so quickly.  I made it tonight with some tiny cauliflower thrown in with the spring onions and carrots. Going to try it with some chorizo next. All the best and if I ever get my ass to NYC I'll be sure to visit.:)

  7. I eat egg drop soup all the time and this is NOT it. Call it something else. Egg drop soup is actually a REAL dish and if you order it in a restaurant it will look NOTHING like this. Its like ordering Porchetta and then getting a club sandwich… ya there's pork in there but….

  8. Thanks Jamie & April, so good to watch! Never had anything like it but looks really interesting I will give it a go! Was stoked to hear Scarlett's Roses too!

  9. I definitely would not call this egg drop soup lol. About the only thing influenced by the original Chinese egg drop soup is the egg part…and even then we do not add cream lol. But whatever, it looks good tho 🙂 I'd just not call it 'egg drop soup' haha. Maybe "creamy egg ribbon soup" hahaha