
Asad Latif


Q1) Tell us something about yourself. How did you start your career?

Ans) First of all, I did my diploma in textile and fashion designing after that being in same field I teaches in many institutes. Since childhood I had craze about cooking. With my education I also did many cooking courses. 13 years back I started this field as a profession and in this I got a chance to come on television. To do live shows and I’m the only one in a history of Pakistan, who is doing a continuous live show at same the platform.

Q2) How do you got interest in cooking? Since childhood you wanted to become chef?

Ans) Well, not at all. As I told you before I had a craze and interest in it. When I was in class 7, I requested for an oven as a gift from my brother and father. I was crazy about baking, I tried many recipes. My ideal chef is Kaukab Khuawaja. Many people say that my style of cooking resembles her. I like her crockery and her style of cooking.

Q3) You have worked in many different restaurants. How was your experience?

Ans) Restaurants has their own charm but basically my work in the kitchen was less, I worked as a sous-chef. I personally like to work in cold kitchen and bakery.

Q4) Where you enjoy cooking, TV show or restaurant?

Ans) Definitely I enjoy cooking on TV show because there are so many air conditioners around you so you don’t sweat at all. Actually by doing TV show you found kitchen field slightly difficult because your body structure become changed.

Q5) How much do you believe in this statement that ‘Taste is in the hands of chef and not in the recipe’.

Ans) Well this is a typical women talk. As we said if ten people cooking then the food is differently cooked. Some people roast spices more, some less and some use less water in it. So, in that case flavor changes. And I can also say that if someone wear gloves so there is no need taste in their hands then.

Q6) You are a food consultant as well. So how can we maintain our health with tasty foods?

Ans) We can maintain, well according to me we should eat healthy diet and according to me if you keep your diet balance it will be better. You can make your health chart through your nutritionist and have your complete body checkup. Keep your breakfast normal, skip the lunch, have salads and fruits and have a light dinner. It’s a proper balance diet and your body structure and health will remain good.

Q7) What’s your favorite dish?

Ans) My favorite dish is Daal Chawal.

Q8) As you are chef, so at home you are chef too?

Ans) Usually I cook in weekends or in any get together, otherwise my wife or my sister in law cooks.

Q9) If anybody cooks at your home and serve. Do you criticize their cooking?

Ans) Definitely! because I believe if we don’t guide them, they will repeat same thing will next time.

Q10) In which restaurant you like to dine in the most?

Ans) Urban Tarka

Q11) What is your specialty? Desi or Continental?

Ans) I am an all rounder, I like Chinese, Fast Food, Continental and Pakistani as well. I also go on international tours specially to give training of Pakistani cuisine.

Q12) You have been a teacher as well in the start of your career. So how was your experience?

Ans) Whoever is interested in cooking only they can come and learn. Cooking classes are same for me as cooking show. Just the difference is that you get your feedback right there. You have audiences in front of you and you get the feedback on the spot. I have also done many cooking shows with pharmaceutical companies. So yeah I enjoy it.

Q13) What are your other hobbies apart from cooking?

Ans) Apart from cooking my other interests are Dress designing, Interior designing, Gardening and watching TV.

Q14) In early age you have already gained many achievements. Now what are your next goals and targets?

Ans) By the grace of God, as I have opened my own restaurant Urban Tarka, now my wish is to make that restaurant a brand and open it chains in various areas and well some other projects are lined up too. You will get to know it soon.

Q15) Who is your favorite chef of inspiration?

Ans) My favorite chef is Kaukab Khuawaja from whom I have learned alot and because of her you all like my recipes and my style.

Q16) As you have written your own book Chef Asad Latif. So when the next issue of this book is coming?

Ans) This was book second issue, work on third issue is completed and most probably it will be out within two months.

Q17) How did you got an interest in writing a book?

Ans) Basically I was a blogger. I used to write my recipes on computer as a blog. I also have my website own. I got a proposal of book. I wrote my first book which was successful and then I continued to write and now my third issue is coming. Apart from it I have many unconditional magazines.

Q18) Tell us something about your restaurant Urban Tarka. How was your experience and the response you get here and where its next branch is going to open?

Ans) By the grace of God, I have got massive respect in Urban Tarka and I would like to thank people who liked Urban Tarka and soon you will see other branches as well.

Q19) You have been working in television since 13 years and still you are graceful as before. What is the secret behind it?

Ans) Well I am not still the same now. I have gained a lot. You only need to control your diet. I don’t control that much but I also don’t overdo it. It’s still a secret.

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