Season 4 of 6 of The F Word with Gordon Ramsay and celebrity cooking brigades. Ramsay skins a hog. It gets butchered in the wild.


48 Responses

  1. 1:40 I've butchered many deer and I have to think that being a chef and knowing your knife for years has to help the process! He is so delicate when he needs to separate the skin from the organs. I usually accidentally slip and hit some of the guts and it doesn't smell very good lol

  2. I would love to observe a hunt of any animal for food that is not endangered and I would not waste its meat or bones. I don't like pulling the trigger on animals like him since its just something that I feel I can't handle doing. I still love meat and will always be an omnivore. Good job Gordon Ramsay for fighting an invasive species and allowing someone else to slaughter the hg humanely. You are an awesome chef on every one of your shows and a really kind guy when not on your other TV shows.

  3. I always wanted to do this (hunt and kill my food) at least once. If I can't do it, I should not eat it… But you have no chance in Germany and probably most countries nearby…

  4. Hunting and killing your own food is much more honorable than buying it packaged in a store. Everyone should do it at least once so that they appreciate that their food comes from other living creatures. Going out and hunting some of your own food teaches you to respect the animal more and you learn not to take a slab of meat for granted…

  5. Always nice to see them catching wild hogs. Those things are destructive as hell. A pack of them going through is a bout as destructive as driving a bulldozer through the underbrush.

  6. Mad respect for a chef that actually goes through the whole process from kill to grill….. I'm trademarking that.. Kill to Grill™. TAKE IT!!! I DARE YOU!!