
The ultimate makeover: Full English breakfast

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4 rashers good-quality lean unsmoked back bacon
4 brown-cap portabello mushroom
12-16 cherry tomatoes on the vine, room temperature
6 tsp olive oil
2 slices granary or wholegrain bread, cut on the diagonal
2 good-quality free-range pork sausage, minimum 86% pork
2 free-range, omega-3 rich egg, room temperature
few drops cider vinegar
2 x 100ml / 3½ fl oz glasses freshly-squeezed orange juice, plus 1 orange cut into wedges
handful fresh blueberries (about 50g/2oz)
Not-so-guilty pleasure
A traditional English breakfast contains 807 calories, 63g fat, 18g saturated fat and 4.52g salt. Ours has almost half the fat. more fibre, less salt (compare your labels for the lowest amounts), and exta vitamin c from the berries and juice.


Lay the bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes on a foil-lined tray. Brush the tops of the mushrooms with 3 tsp of the oil and both sides of the bread with the remaining oil. Set aside. Heat the grill to very hot. Lay the sausages on a small foil-lined tray (best not to prick good-quality sausages or they may lose moisture). Grill for about 10 mins until cooked, turning occasionally.

Meanwhile, three-quarters fill a small pan, and a wide, deep sauté pan with water. Bring both to the boil. Lower an egg into the small pan and remove after 30 secs. Crack the egg into a cup. Add vinegar to the larger pan then, using a wire whisk, swirl the water around to create a whirlpool. Remove the whisk and slowly tip the egg into the centre of the whirlpool (see top picture). When the water comes back to the boil, remove the pan from the heat, cover and leave for 3 mins, then remove the egg. Place in a bowl of warm water while you cook the other egg – or cook both eggs an hour ahead, leave in a bowl of iced water, then reheat for 1½ mins in simmering water before serving.

Meanwhile heat a griddle pan to very hot. Place the tomatoes, bacon and mushrooms under the grill for 3-4 mins without turning. At the same time, lay the bread on the griddle pan, cook until crisp, about 1 min each side. Drain everything on kitchen paper.

Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon and drain briefly on a cloth. Arrange everything on a plate and serve with the juice and fruit.

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