(PP) Contains product placement. Jamie’s chosen the finalists in our Search for a Food Tube Star. Over 250 of you lovely people entered from 40 different countries around the globe. The response has been huge and the quality has been incredible. We are humbled so many of you Food Tubers gave it a go. Thank you so much! Now we need the rest of you to watch the whole selection and chose who wins by giving them a thumbs up.
Here are direct links to the videos:
AMBER KELLEY | http://youtu.be/PWYBuTJvqEc
THE DUMPLING SISTERS | http://youtu.be/zzLBw13D33o
FELICITAS PIZARRO | http://youtu.be/DxxN1c-Caco
FRENCH GUY COOKING | http://youtu.be/hPK57Um3Hhc
MILBERGS KOCHZEIT (Cooking Time) | http://youtu.be/GpTmb7SA3D4
Jamie Oliver’s Food Tube | http://goo.gl/EdJ0vK
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More great recipes | http://www.jamieoliver.com