Water is the lifeline for every living thing. We always thought about the hydration but never thought of benefits of water. So, I am here to tell you about the benefits of water.
Fluid Balance:
Our body is 60% made up of water. Drinking enough water maintains the balance of fluid in the body. It helps transport nutrients in the body, regulates temperature and digest food.
Calorie Control:
Drinking water control weight loss. Their are many studies which tells that water consumption can lead to loosing few pounds. Water simply helps people feel full, and as a result consume fewer calories.
Clearer Skin:
Certain toxins in the body can cause the inflammation to your skin which result in pores and clogged skin. If you take water properly your skin will be clearer and free of toxins.
Kidney Function:
Kidneys need enough fluids to clear away what is not useful for our body. Kidney process 200 quarts of blood daily sifting out waste and transport urine to the bladder.
Pain prevention:
Aching joints and muscle cramps and strains can all occur if the body is dehydrated so, you need to be hydrated to get rid of pain.
Get in the habit of keeping a water bottle on hand at all times. And if the taste beings to bore, spice up the taste buds with a squeeze of citrus to the glass! Before you know it, all the benefits of water will be right at your fingertip and in your body.