
Chocolate Kulfi Recipe

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Chocolate Kulfi

Milk 1 liter
Milk solid 1 cup
Plain flour ½ cup
Cocoa powder 2 tbsp
Sugar 1 cup
Chocolate chips ½ cup
Olpers Cream 1 packet

Cooking Directions

Heat milk in a sauce pan and bring it to boil.

In the meantime dissolve the plain flour in water.

When the milk starts to boil pour in the dissolved plain flour, stirring continuously.

On a low flame cook the milk for half an hour.

Add the sugar and stir until it dissolves.

Now take the milk off the heat and add the milk solid, cocoa powder, and Olpers cream. Mix well.

Transfer the mixture into kulfi moulds.

Sprinkle the chocolate chips on top and close the lid of the moulds.

Keep the moulds in the deep freezer and allow to set.

When set, unmold, slice and serve immediately.

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Discover the vibrant culinary journey of Chef Martha Ortiz, a renowned Mexican chef whose innovative creations redefine traditional Mexican cuisine. Immerse yourself in her captivating story, from her early influences to her rise to prominence in the culinary world. Explore the flavors, colors, and passion that Chef Martha Ortiz brings to every dish, as she combines traditional ingredients with contemporary techniques. Unleash your taste buds and embark on a gastronomic adventure with the visionary chef who continues to push boundaries and elevate Mexican gastronomy to new heights.

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