
Boneless Chicken Tandoori Recipe by Chef Rida Aftab 17 July 2019

Home » Rida Aftab Recipes » Boneless Chicken Tandoori Recipe by Chef Rida Aftab 17 July 2019
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• Recipe Name: Boneless Chicken Tandoori Recipe
• Dated: 17 July 2019
• Chef Name: Chef Rida Aftab
• Show Name: Tarka – Masala TV

Enjoy the true essence and taste of “Boneless Chicken Tandoori ” while cooking in your kitchen with such an ease and must-have ingredients in your kitchen. It is not just about a dish with usual taste but a treat to your taste buds with a little change in cooking by none other than ” Chef Rida Aftab” that has given an entire new flavor, you ever came to taste. “Chef Rida Aftab” is a well-known Pakistani chef, hosting a cooking TV show on Hum Masala TV, the only cooking channel round the clock.

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