
47 Responses

  1. Literally just finished watching Hell’s Kitchen and started scrolling to see the hunk himself teaching me more shit. Hell YES 🤤👏🏼 keep the shorts coming Gordon!

  2. The bread first? I think we all think this mfker is the goat because he's self-proclaimed to be for many years, but his cooking is actually sus. 😂 Soggy ass bread!

  3. Bit red in the middle, Gordon. Not acceptable by MY standards. I've worked with meat for 6 years, I know what I'm on about. The taste of undercooked blood is vile and you don't need a customer to tell you that.

  4. I mean this is going to come off as me being a hater or possibly satirical but I've seen videos of people making better steak sandwiches this one doesn't look bad but I have seen better

  5. Looks delicious, but if someone else would've made you'd tell him to use a bigger pan and that the sandwich is soggy as fuck, wouldn't you 😅