This is a paid AD by Hotpoint. You’ve sent in some amazing Food Memories, and Jamie has picked Rae’s memory from a romantic holiday in Pisa to recreate …

jamie,oliver,cooking,food,cook,recipe,tube,chef,foodtube,jamieoliver,hotpoint,ariston,bauknecht,rae,my food memories,soup,veggies,onion,chilli,rosemary,black cabbage,cabbage,bread,olive oil,creamy,oven,hob,kitchen appliances,salt,pepper,seasoning,myfoodmemories,zuppa toscana,ribollita,bread soup,cavolo nero,italian,italy,pisa,vegetable soup,zuppa,fennel seeds

38 Responses

  1. She looks like somebody who could be the life of the party. Bill… Make this for her. If she cried with Jamie making it… the points you'd score…

  2. Hi Jamie before you say things check out the meaning, minestone soup is a beef stock soup with beans and pasta you nearly got it right but otherwise great stuff