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26 Responses

  1. I was with a woman like this… They justify their shitty behavior by blaming everyone else but themselves. The sad part is that she will NEVER change because, in her own mind, she's the victim. The best thing this guy can do is leave her for good.

  2. I'm only about half way through, but man she acts like a total child. Like legit, just with the way she yells and talks to people, yikes.

  3. "You can't miss it…. unfortunately the Germans did"

    LMFAO this has to be one of the top 5 for sure 😂😂😂😂

  4. Wait… The restaurant fish and anchor from wales closed in 2008. So then why is there a Kitchen Nightmares video of it 12 years later.

  5. These people are the worst married couples I have ever seen in my life, their bussiness isnt succesful but they still won’t work together.
    Edit: Where the hell does Gordon Ramsay find these restaurants?

  6. Please Gordon Ramsay, MAKE MORE EPISODE of kitchen nightmare , come back to TV !!! And you
    could, after USA and UK, make a 20 episodes series all in FRANCE which you love so much !! Thank you Gordon.

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