Discover the culinary journey of renowned Bahraini Chef Susy Massetti. From her humble beginnings to becoming a celebrated culinary artist, explore her passion for creating delectable dishes inspired by local flavors and global influences. Immerse yourself in her innovative techniques and unique culinary style, as she continues to redefine Bahrain’s gastronomic scene. Unveil the story of Chef Susy Massetti, a master of flavors and an inspiration to aspiring chefs worldwide.


Susy Massetti is an Italian-born chef who has made her mark on the culinary world through her passion for food and her dedication to creating memorable dining experiences. Born in 1969 in the small town of Gualdo Tadino in the province of Perugia, Italy, Susy grew up with a love for cooking and a desire to explore the world through food. Her journey would eventually lead her to the Middle Eastern island nation of Bahrain, where she has become one of the most celebrated chefs in the region.

Early Life and Education

Susy Massetti’s passion for cooking was sparked at a young age, as she spent time in the kitchen with her grandmother, who was a skilled cook. Her grandmother taught her the importance of fresh ingredients, simple preparations, and the joy of sharing food with others. Susy’s love for cooking continued to grow throughout her childhood, and she began to experiment with different recipes and techniques on her own.

After completing her high school education, Susy enrolled in culinary school in Perugia, Italy. There, she honed her skills in the kitchen and developed a deep understanding of Italian cuisine. She learned how to create traditional dishes, as well as how to experiment with new ingredients and techniques.

Early Career

After completing her culinary education, Susy began her career in the food industry. She worked in various restaurants and hotels in Italy, gaining valuable experience and expanding her culinary knowledge. In 1996, she decided to venture outside of Italy and move to London, where she worked at a number of prestigious restaurants.

During her time in London, Susy worked at The River Cafe, a well-known Italian restaurant that had gained a reputation for its use of fresh, seasonal ingredients. There, she was able to further refine her skills and learn from some of the best chefs in the industry.

Move to Bahrain

In 2000, Susy made the decision to move to Bahrain, a small island nation in the Middle East. She was drawn to the vibrant culture and cuisine of the region, and saw an opportunity to bring her own unique style of Italian cooking to the people of Bahrain.

Upon arriving in Bahrain, Susy began working at the Ritz Carlton hotel. There, she quickly gained a reputation for her creative approach to cooking and her ability to incorporate local flavors and ingredients into her dishes. She also began to develop a loyal following among the hotel’s guests, who appreciated her passion for food and her commitment to providing an exceptional dining experience.

Over the next few years, Susy continued to build her career in Bahrain, working at a number of different restaurants and hotels throughout the country. She gained a deep understanding of Bahraini cuisine and culture, and began to incorporate these elements into her own cooking.

In 2011, Susy opened her own restaurant in Bahrain, called Masso. The restaurant quickly became a popular destination for both locals and tourists, thanks to Susy’s innovative menu and her commitment to using only the freshest, highest-quality ingredients. Masso has since become one of the most well-known and respected restaurants in Bahrain, and has helped to establish Susy as one of the most talented and influential chefs in the region.

Culinary Philosophy and Style

Susy Massetti’s approach to cooking is deeply rooted in her Italian heritage, but is also influenced by her experiences in Bahrain and her travels around the world. She is known for her use of fresh, seasonal ingredients, and her ability to create dishes that are both simple and sophisticated.

One of Susy’s signature dishes is her homemade pasta, which she makes from scratch using traditional Italian techniques. She also enjoys experimenting with different ingredients and flavors, and is always looking for new ways to incorporate local ingredients into her dishes.