Jamie is well and truly feeling the love and wants to make sure you do too. What better way to help than with a beautiful chocolate pot? However you choose to …

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36 Responses

  1. There is a Russian pan cake named blin. Blin is thin and chewy white wheat cake without yeast.

    It folded twice right side and left side after cook and shaped like triangles.

    American pan cake use eggs and whipped it before cook on fry pan.

    Japanese pan cake called okonomiyaki, is made of cabbage and dried fish fillet called Kadarang-o.

    Dried fish fillet also means cannon in South Korea, because it sounds same.

    South Korean pan cake added green onion with wheat power and water to cook on the fry pan with vegetable oil.

    It is very common Korean food for alcohol.

    There is another korean food recipy that use wheat like blin.

    It is called sujebi that boiling potatoes and wheat dough in the water.

    Sometimes two of Korean recipy means end of the war.

    It is very weird. I didn't think about British food connected with Russian food before.

    Potatoes and black tea with scones are only British food I ever known.

    When I start YouTube, British men talking about English Breakfast with beans and sausages.

  2. The perfect Valentine love declaration😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  3. Sadly I can't comment on buddy's new videos so I'll post it here, your boy is absolutely amazing in his cooking videos I have followed you since the beginning of your career and learned a lot about cooking healthy amazing food and now my kids and I are learning from buddy it's just something that puts a smile on our faces, me my family we love you and your family changing our lives with food πŸ™

  4. That looks great, I will get this recipe on my cooking channel πŸ™‚

    I've tried already some of your cooking ideas and they are very tasty! Very useful!