SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEW HELL’S KITCHEN CHANNEL: Gordon is returning to the Fenwick …

Fenwick Arms,Brian,Scallop Shells,Prawn Cocktail,Gordon Ramsay,Kitchen Nightmares,Hell’s Kitchen,The F Word,Cooking,Restaurant,Menus,Recipes,Customers,Food,Chef,Disaster,Argument,Shouting,Swearing,Fight,UK,USA

24 Responses

  1. And here we see the stupid or crazy Chief in its natural habitat…. I’m gonna poke it with a stick

    pokes the Chief with a stick and gets a scream of pain and anger

    He’s Angry

  2. 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑

  3. Unpolpular opinion: I actually prefer the US version of Kitchen Nightmares over the UK version. Not there’s anything wrong with the UK version. I just think the US version has more drama and is more exciting to watch than the UK version. However, I still like the UK version. Just not as much as The US version tho.