After the success of the ‘Bad Boy Bakery’ pop up store, Gordon heads back to prison to congratulate his bakers and have a final word with Jerome.

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21 Responses

  1. That's heartbreaking, I think even Gordon was heartbroken, but I'm just glad we have people like Gordon in the world looking to give people a chance, it shows there's good people who will do their best to help others to also be good people.

  2. Hs dosent care but I think he knows the majority of people in prison dont deserve to be locked in a box, like cattle to slaughter. plus the mixing of hardend criminals with not so. Not saying there innocent but it dosent solve the problem just knocks it on till they get out and repeat cant see how they call this rehabilitation.

  3. You could be in prison even when your out because people don't lift others up people like to bring people down and I'm sorry but I relate more to the prisoners then real people because your so call real people are sick and fucked

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